There’s a good chance that most of the people you meet or interact with on a regular basis are present on social media. That’s why the social media industry is now viewed as an extremely valuable digital marketing tool! Because of its fast-paced and dynamic nature, there are still people who are skeptical of the benefits of this form of marketing. Whether you run your own business or are responsible for the marketing of an organization, we’re here to dispel some common misconceptions about social media marketing so you have the tools to navigate it effectively for your business!

5 Social Media Marketing Myths
- My customers aren’t on social media
Think social media isn’t relevant to your industry? Think again! Gen Z and millennials aren’t the only people who use social media; in fact, these days, it seems like there’s a social platform for everything and everyone. No matter how niche your business is, the odds are that you’ll find a platform with an audience that’s interested in what you’re offering. - It doesn’t drive the business’s bottom-line results
Many critics think it’s impossible to measure the return on investment of social media, which makes them skeptical about investing time and resources into this stream of marketing. The truth is, social media channels incorporate extensive analytic tools to measure the effectiveness of your social media activities. From identifying how much traffic is being driven to your website to how many leads are being generated, you’d be surprised how much insight you can gain from social media metrics. - We don’t have any content to share
Keep in mind, content doesn’t have to be perfect. It can be refreshing to have a balance of curated posts and more relatable material. You never know what your audience will respond best to, so sometimes it’s all about trial and error to discover what is effective.
It’s difficult to be successful on social media without content, so concerns about not having content to share are valid. Our advice? Focus on quality over quantity. What you post matters more than how frequently you post. Evergreen content will always be useful, so invest your time here. You can always repurpose or reshare existing content at a later time. - It’s a fad
Often, with any new trend, some people initially dismiss it as a fad. Every time a new platform is launched, there are questions about whether it’s worth taking seriously. While there are some valid doubts about the lasting effects of social media, we’re here to tell you that social media marketing isn’t going anywhere anytime soon.
There are billions of active social media accounts around the world, and this number is constantly on the rise. The social media platforms themselves are also always evolving, providing businesses with more and more advanced marketing tools. If you’re not receptive to incorporating social media into your marketing efforts, you’re missing out on a significant amount of potential opportunities. - It’s too time-consuming
Another common objection to social media marketing is that it takes up too much time and requires constant, around-the-clock monitoring. We’ll admit, it can be easy to get consumed and waste time on the platform. That’s why having a clear vision and plan is so important. Starting with a strong digital marketing strategy is key to ensuring that you have determined what platforms you’re going to show up on and where your audience is. A pre-planned content calendar will also help you avoid wasting unnecessary time.
In terms of engagement, you must designate some time to create relationships with your customers. While a quick response is always appreciated, it’s not required.
As you get more experienced within the specific platforms, they will start to feel less like foreign languages and more like second nature. Have patience!
True or False Bonus Round
It’s time to put you to the test. Can you spot any of the following myths?
Hashtag everything #themorethemerrier
Hashtags can help you appear in relevant searches, but using them willy-nilly and not putting any strategy or research into using them will not be effective.
Post as much as you can
As we mentioned above, quality over quantity. Ask yourself if your audience will find what you’re about to post valuable. If not, don’t feel obligated to post just for the sake of posting.
Posting at certain times is better than others
There are optimum times to post updates on social media. This often varies depending on the platform, but utilize the data from your own audience and post based on when they tend to be actively engaging.
The more followers the better
Having a large following can be a bonus, but it’s better to have loyal followers who genuinely interact with your content, as opposed to thousands of followers who never read your posts, share your content or click your links.
You won’t see success overnight
Social media takes hard work and expecting instant results is not realistic. Building a strong social media presence takes time and you have to be willing to put in the work.
When it comes to marketing strategies, social media often gets a bad rap. As digital marketers, we hate to hear this because there are so many advantages to using social media marketing in business—you just have to leverage it correctly. We get it; social media can be hard to keep up with but don’t let that fear and the popular misconceptions hold you back.
Now that we’ve dispelled these myths are you ready to navigate social media marketing for your business? Our social media team are experts on all the tactics and platforms you will need to elevate your marketing strategy and would be happy to help. Get in touch today!