Curious about what Always-On Marketing can do for your business? Book a call with our team to get started.
Marketing is crucial to growing brand awareness, engaging with potential customers, and building customer loyalty. As customers increasingly expect a personalized experience with brands, always-on marketing is becoming an especially fashionable way for brands to create the best customer experience possible. Read on as we discuss the always-on approach to marketing and how you can implement an always-on marketing strategy.

What is Always-On Marketing?
What does always-on marketing mean? Always-on digital marketing is a strategy that involves continuous marketing activities rather than short bursts of activities. This type of marketing ensures your brand is always available for your customers and helps you adapt to their changing needs. Always-on marketing involves testing, improving, optimizing, and personalizing digital marketing activities to increase their effectiveness at distinct stages of the customer lifecycle, as well as support customer acquisition and retention. There are many ways to approach always-on marketing, including through social media, content marketing, online ads, and more.
Why is Always-On Marketing Important?
Always-on marketing improves the customer experience by addressing customer needs quickly. Marketing activities are personalized, so you can meet each customer where they are in their customer journey with timely interactions and helpful information. Customers expect quick responses to their questions and communications, and always on marketing makes it easier for brands to respond as soon as possible and always be available. Always-on marketing strengthens the relationship with your existing customers, engages potential customers, and increases brand awareness.
Tips for Using Always-On Marketing
How can you implement always-on marketing in your digital strategy? There are several steps worth considering to achieve success with always-on marketing campaigns.
1. Do What Makes Sense for Your Brand and Customers
Consider what information will help move your customers out of the awareness stage and further into your sales funnel. Find areas of the buyer journey where a more personalized experience would benefit the customer, then implement an always-on marketing strategy there. Always-on marketing examples include search engine optimization (SEO), social media, online ads, email marketing, and more.
Note that always-on marketing strategies can be applied to different areas of marketing; for example, always-on influencer marketing, always-on Business-to-Business marketing, always-on content marketing, and other always-on advertising marketing and media efforts. The key is to do what makes sense for your business and your customers.
2. Collect Data
Make sure you have enough of the right data to be able to make informed decisions about your always-on marketing strategy. Depending on your needs, you can collect and analyze data related to consumer behavior, demographics, engagement, and more. You can use this data to help you decide which marketing activities you will implement to best serve your customers. After implementing your always-on strategy, you can look at your data to see what is working and what is not so you can tweak your strategy to achieve better results.
3. Personalize the Marketing Activities
To give your customers the best experience possible with your brand, it is important to personalize your always-on marketing activities. Think about what the customer needs to know at various stages of their buyer journey. What types of outreaches and messaging will help them make informed buying decisions and strengthen their relationship with your brand? There are many ways to personalize your marketing activities. For example, you might create pre-written emails that get sent out when customers perform specific actions so that you are engaging them with the right message at the right time.
4. Automate the Activities
Automating your always-on marketing tactics can make the process easier for you and your team. It allows you to accomplish more without having to manually perform every activity needed in your marketing strategy. Using the email marketing example again, instead of manually writing and sending an email every time a customer makes a purchase, write an email for such an event and have it go out automatically. Be sure to look at the data you collect to help you decide how you will successfully automate your always-on marketing activities.
5. Test and Optimize Your Always-On Marketing Strategy
Remember that successful always-on marketing campaigns require frequent testing and tweaking. After implementing always-on marketing activities, look at the data you are collecting and see how customers are responding to different activities and messages. Then, think about how you can adjust your actions to better improve customer experience.
Get Help with Your Always-On Digital Marketing Strategy
Trying an innovative approach to marketing is not always easy. Fortunately, Bluetrain is here to help. Our team of marketing experts can assist in all areas of always-on marketing, including digital marketing strategy, SEO, social media, online advertising, and more. Contact us to learn more.
Written by Alex Dugas