Battle of the Sexes: How Men and Women Use Social Media

An infographic from Internet Service Providers displays super interesting data regarding social media usage between men and women. Apparently, women prefer Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest (surprise, surprise) over all the other social networking sites. Men prefer Google+, LinkedIn and YouTube. According to this data, women do 62% of the sharing on Facebook although 80% of...  Read More


How to Make Content Go Viral

I read this post today because I thought I would learn something applicable to my job as content marketer at Bluetrain. The headline grabbed my attention right away: How to Make Viral Content: 9 Tips from the Greatest Viral Content Genius on the Planet. I thought: “Great! I’ll learn some cool tips for making amazing...  Read More


4 Ways to Rock Your Holiday Online Advertising Campaign

‘Twas the week before Christmas and all through the store, all were a flurry prepping ads that would bring shoppers through the door. Be proactive this year and get your online holiday advertising campaigns in order well before the Christmas rush. Regardless of whether you have a physical store or an e-commerce site, these tips...  Read More


Has Google’s Hummingbird Algorithm Improved Search?

On September 26th, just days after dropping the so-called (Not Provided) bomb, Google announced their new search algorithm: Hummingbird. This new algorithm is supposed to be faster and more precise than the previous algorithm and marks Google’s move toward a more semantic web. What’s a ‘semantic web’ you ask? Before you Google it, read what...  Read More


Ongoing SEO Services – Insurance For Business – Because Mayhem is Everywhere

“Mayhem is everywhere” is the tagline of a popular ad campaign for AllState Insurance. It features actor Dean Winters playing the role of Mayhem, because you don’t expect the things that happen, things you need to be insured against. If you’re a business owner, you don’t think twice about taking out insurance for your business....  Read More

Bryan Smith

What The Heck Is Online Marketing…And How Do I Use It?

What The Heck Is Online Marketing…Part 1-Remarketing I wrote this blog nearly 8 months ago, it having never been posted I thought I would look through it again before posting it now!  It is interesting to look back, even if only 8 months, and see how much life has changed in such a short stretch...  Read More


Online Customer Service – Social Customer Care

Do You Care About Your Customers? Then, do something about it, online. Customer service is an everyday reality for all of us. Unless you’re living off the grid somewhere, chances are pretty good that you are having at least one interaction per day with a company or organization -that you are a customer of. Far...  Read More


Google’s Penguin 2.0 Update: Was Your Site’s SEO Hit by Penguin?

Penguin 2.0 SEO Impacts: Was your site hit by the Penguin 4 Update? Penguin 2.0 (aka Penguin 4) has been unleashed by Google. On May 22, 2103, the latest round in Google’s war on web spam, Penguin 2.0, had SEOs and website owners biting their fingernails wondering if they would be hit. Penguin 2.0 is...  Read More


Zero Moments of Truth in Online Advertising

Ok, so there’s a double-meaning in the title – punning (as usual) on Google’s ZMOT – Zero Moment of Truth philosophy, and the concept of truth in advertising. But the literal interpretation of this phrase is definitely one I can get behind. There is essentially no truth in advertising – the moments of truth start...  Read More


Google Advertising – Online Advertising Advice Directly from Google.

Live via YouTube. Hosted by Bluetrain. Google Advertising, including Google Display Advertising, and Google pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, all fall under the Google Engage for Agencies Program. On Tuesday, March 5, 2013, Bluetrain Inc. and one of its friends,  Adster Creative, are hosting an exclusive glimpse into the future of Google advertising, presented as a “Google Engage...  Read More


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