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Why You Should Keep Marketing During a Recession (Especially If Your Competitors Aren’t!)

This post was originally published in 2015 and has been updated due to relevancy for the current period.  As someone that meets with multiple companies weekly, it is my experience that when facing a recession the first thing that business owners usually do is cut marketing costs which, in many cases, can prove to be...  Read More

Bryan Smith

Bluetrain Recognized as Top Canadian Agency 3 Years in a Row by Clutch

Since 2007, Bluetrain Inc. has provided high-quality digital marketing solutions. Specializing in SEO, web analytics, Google Ads, social media marketing, and other online advertising services. We are proud to be recognized by Clutch once again for our online marketing work. In a recent press release, we received an award for being a Top Digital Agency...  Read More


How to Remove Private, Outdated, or Duplicate Content from Google

It happens to the best marketers. You search for your website on Google and notice the search engine has indexed some pages that you would have preferred to keep private or hidden. This could include outdated information, duplicate content or content that contains sensitive or private information. Once you’ve discovered this content on Google, one...  Read More

Kathy Waterman

Selling Your Product on Social Media

Did you know that 94 percent of adults in Canada have at least one social media account? Whether it’s people weighing in on the latest political missteps on Twitter, consulting their Facebook circle for drywaller recommendations, or scoping the #ootd from style mavens on Instagram —  social media is as ingrained in our daily routine...  Read More


10 Tips to Decreasing Your Cart Abandonment Rate this Holiday Season

With the holiday shopping season fast approaching and it’s important to ensure the checkout process of your eCommerce shopping cart is working like a well-oiled machine.   There’s nothing more disappointing than having your analytics data show your customers have filled their carts with a multitude of your products, then disappeared without purchasing.  Why is that...  Read More

Kathy Waterman

Three Steps to Better Business Decisions Using Web Analytics & Reporting

Plan, implement and maintain. These three steps apply to almost any aspect of a business, but they are often overlooked in web analytics. In an increasingly online world, websites are key to running a successful business. Ask yourself if your website is doing what you intended it to do. Can you even determine that with...  Read More

Bryan Smith

Why Are Customer Reviews So Important?

Your business is important to you and you may be wary about opening it up to online reviews. Take the leap. Online reviews are a great way to build trust with potential customers. Your customers will use reviews to decide if your products or services are the right fit, and they want to know how...  Read More


Charity Marketing: Strategies & Mistakes to Avoid

Marketing and fundraising for a nonprofit organization can feel overwhelming. Unlike for-profit businesses, charities often operate on tight budgets and rely on donors, volunteers, and community support. However, when it comes to marketing, charities and businesses aren’t as different as they seem. They both compete for attention in the same digital space, and they both...  Read More

Terri Carlson

Ranking in Google Answer (aka Position Zero) in 2020

This post was originally published in 2019 and has been updated for 2020 Algorithm Updates. What is Position Zero? Have a question? Just Google it. Does your website provide the best Google answer? If so, your website could appear in the Featured Answer Snippets, or Position Zero. Firstly, your search result “position” is the ranking...  Read More

Matthew Brown

Email Marketing for Your Business

In the early days of internet consumption, people loved email. An incoming “You’ve got mail!” notification was a source of excitement. But now, with the rise of social media and the annoyance of inbox clutter, do people still like email? Should your business still use email marketing? The short answer is yes. How many people...  Read More


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